Who are you?
Who are you?
Who are we, as a humanity?
Most people would answer that with a combination of external, material labels. Yet you are more than your skin, religion, looks, clothes, inj. status, political beliefs, labels, job, education, nationality, opinions or class. They may reflect your role in society, how others might perceive you & shape your lifestyle but do not define you. The whole you. Or the true you.

How can they be you if they are constantly changing?
What is it that is stable throughout your life?
Who is doing the observation?
Who is it that is having a conscious experience?
It’s that inner awareness, that inner consciousness, the soul.
The true you.
Realise yourself.
Many of the problems in this world come from wrongly identify with who we are & losing our connection with self, other & whole. It's not to say the ego & the embodied form doesn't play a critical role in our growth, they act as interfaces that allow us to interact & experience reality, a bit like a computer desktop.
Yet if you identify too strongly with false & conditioned labels, status, power, money, you are not only limiting yourself but also cause unnecessary division, harm & disunity.
Remember to connect with; Self, other and whole.
Understand your self (inner & outer), others (species & people) & whole (nature, universe, source).
Overidentifying with your outer self & losing your connection & empathy for other species, nations & people can lead to catastrophic events & crimes against humanity.

Connecting regularly with source through meditation, nature & transcendental experiences connects us with something greater & allows us to embody the highest universal frequencies. It's what religions should be teaching.
Look to complex networks in nature like mycellium networks. The more complex, the more decentralised, yet they know their connection. What we are seeing is ruling from disconnection & fear.
May you, we & humanity realise ourselves.
Remember to connect with;
Self, other and whole.
Understand your self (inner & outer), others (species & people) & whole (nature, universe, source).
May you align to you in 2022.
Realise your highest self physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually.
Let go of what no longer serves you.
Actively create and embody more of what you want.
Realise yourself.